
Saturday, May 17, 2008

just give into it all and SMILE!

if you do...it will be so much easier.
That is the lesson, and I followed it and it worked. I just completely surrendered myself to everything that was scaring me and making me think way too much!
Guess what? If you do this, things somehow magically work out in your best interest!!!! Try it...I dare you!
OK..so I did really try to go back into the working world...I did...I REALLY did!! But nobody wanted to hire me...
and it worked out sooooo great! Because I have started my Dog Walking Business again! Yes!!
I really thought it wouldn't fly here where I moved. And in a way..it didn't fly how I expected it to fly..as the people here aren't nearly as wealthy as they were in Marin...but they DO need their dogs walked! So...Monday I start with another new client..Button, a Cockapoo..(I love them by the way) actually, I love all breeds, but her face is so priceless! She will have her daily exercise for precisely half an hour per day beginning on Monday.
It is one of the most Healing jobs in the world...walking a dog, outside in the fresh air, looking at the beauty that surrounds us all...and taking it all in, one step at a time!
There is one downfall though..you MUST be strong enough to be able to pick up the poop!
Open the bag, take a deep breath in, grab it up, tie the bag, and on off you go!
Easy as 1,2,3


Ursula said...

It's great what you are doing. It doesn't matter what we do, it's important that we do something, I think.

A bird in the hand said...

Lucky doglet!


Tracy said...

so true ursula! i also think its important to do somthing that you love, if you can! Sometimes you can't...but if you can, it makes the day funner!
thanks colette~~~you know me and the doglets ;0) xxxooo