
Friday, May 16, 2008

a new day

My life has been a series of many ups and downs lately, as I know have lots of other peoples lives. But I am feeling positive that things are getting much better...day by day. Health means so much to us, and when we have good health we are so blessed..but then when someone whom you love very much is not doing so well in that area, of course it affects you...and it has been.
Along with work...your work is such an important aspect of survival...and when that is in jeopardy, well, we all know the stress that brings as well. But everything is changing, the tide has turned and there truly is light at the end of that very long tunnel.....thank god!
I am happy to say that I am filled with Hope and the Fear is lifting...I can see through that heavy fog that was clouding my eyes for weeks, and it is truly the Dawning of a New Day..after a pretty long darkness...
OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti


peaceloveyoga said...

Beautiful photo of Mysore Palace! Happy to hear that the fog is lifting...take care. xoxoxox.

Ursula said...

Hi Tracy, stay optimistic. Everything is changing all the time.
All the best for you.



Tracy said...

Oh..thanks you guys~ so sweet of you both! Things just get better everyday, and that's so nice~
xxoo to you both!

A bird in the hand said...

I had to battle fear and uncertainty as well; it helped to know that life is fluid, nothing stays the same, up, down and up again.

Here's one of my favorite quotations: "Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life" -- Adele Brookman. I keep this im mind, because it's so true for me.

Much love to you always.

Tracy said...

colette,i know that you know all about the ups and downs all too well....i love the quote, and thanks for bringing it!
love you much xxxooo