
Sunday, May 4, 2008


I received the email below from one of my best friends this morning...she has this way with words that is just so comforting and it's just what I needed to hear today. Love you my friend!

i have been reading a lot in a course in miracles...well not a lot, but what i have been reading may give you both some peace. it has been talking about God's will versus our will and the desire for us to have our will be unified with God's will. i have really been praying for that today. for Gods will to be done because I can't see the big picture and he knows what is best for me.i am pretty sick right now, miserable head cold and i never get sick like this where i just cant do anything. i really wanted to call you today but i can hardly think...the only relief i experienced was lying on the floor and my massage table and just praying and focusing on healing and not resisting this sickness. i was reading in a new earth about what you resist persists and how when we bring consciousness and acceptance into a situation that is troubling us in the now that it creates more space and energy. but what we resist and fight against only brings us more resistance. i think it makes sense. being with the discomfort and being comfortable and trusting that everything does work together for good. you and ray are such wonderful lights...i know God is working through you both right now.i wish you both peace of mind. i know it seems like wave after wave is hitting you...but remember you are the water and the wave is one with you...just ride it and try to keep that joyful spirit of yours that shines so bright.
love you both!

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