
Friday, May 9, 2008

Do you have 5.00 that you really don't need?????

I was searching on google this morning for information on Swamiji, who lives in the cave up on Chamundi Hill...and right below his information was an article that I had not seen before on Operation Shanti...it was written by a Doctor who found out about Operation Shanti and wanted to take a closer look and see what he could do to help.

I found out some important information as well in the process of reading the article....

especially what 5.00 can do for them.....

I know that I personally "blow" 5 bucks thoughtlessly all of the time! We all do...and after reading this article it pretty much opened up my eyes as to what 5.00 could REALLY do for Karunya Mane and the residents that reside there....

Solar Panels for heating the water for the baths for the children and elderly

Mattresses so that they have beds in which to sleep on

A used Van to transport the residents here and there..especially to doctors visits and shopping, etc.

If we all just donated 5.00 each it would add up quickly....and it really isn't asking that much.

My dream for this month is that ALL of the readers who visit my blog will go to

http://www.operation-shanti.org/ and donate just 5.00 (of course if you'd like to donate more that would be so great as well!) but Please read the article before you do so...so that you will understand more about the program and what they do and how it all began!

I know that spending time with Operation Shanti while I was in Mysore changed me on a very deep level and made me realize that we have SO much and if we just gave a Little..what a difference it would make!

and DO leave me a comment after you donate along with your email address (or I can send you my email)..as I am sending everyone who makes a donation... something special in the mail and will need your address!! :0)


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