
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ammas Ashram in Kerala

(an exerpt from a woman who recently went there)

Everyone should sleep without a fear at least one night.Everyone should eat at least one day till they are full.There should be at least one day where the hospitals wouldn't admit a single
Keralan Architecture victim of violence. Serving selflessly at least one day everyone should help the poor and those in need. Amma prays so this dream would come true." I read while waiting for a tour to take me around the place and there goes my wow. I am brainwashed. I decide that a person who preaches such a beautiful ideal can not be a bad person, and I get her biography from the library. I wont bore you with the details and I really don't believe half of the stuff in the books describing miracles, but cant help to see the miracle of this woman who has built an empire out of love . She travels most part of the year giving her darshan (blessing ) in a form of a cuddle. Which is a miracle itself in male chauvinistic India where they don't even embrace in the movies, where women sits apart from men Where publicly showing affection is frowned upon, even if is coming from a foreigner This woman who is called by everyone Amma ,embraces everyone, men and women all the same regardless of caste, color, religion . The other miracle comes to me in a form of a
Keralan Fisherfolk at work video, I learn that Amma's hug gave 46 million USD to tsunami victims, 1 million USD for those who lost everything to Katrina, and the organization has built 125000 homes for the homeless, 10 hospitals with free care for the poor, 53 schools, (including 9 universities) and the ashram serves 10000 free meals daily to the poor. Amma is a big hit overseas and I can see her giving a hug to Richard Gere in the video. She also has been asked to speak in the UN Peace conference in 2000 where Dr J. Goodal called her "God's love in a human body"

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