
Friday, May 23, 2008


winding down after a very full week. oliver has only 4 more days of school left and we ALL get to be together for the 3 day weekend!!!
I got in a lot of training this week...feeling like a powerhouse, and contemplating registering for the San Francisco Marathon for August 3...hmmm, just ran one in LA in March...BUT Dean Karnazes (one of the gods i worship..sorta :0) will be the Marathon Race Host this year and that would be Sweet to see him! So.....maybe it is time..my toenails are almost back to normal....yeah, I could do this~ a pre-birthday sorta thang~~
Heard from Ganesh in India and my friend Liz from London..then my other friend Sandy from Georgia...it's so nice to hear from friends so far away...it brings them right back to where you were when you were last with them. Hoping to get back to India...Visualizing being on the plane (though i dread that) then in the taxi....then at the guest house..and then in the rickshaw being whisked around and laughing my head off with ray~ we have SO much fun there..and it does add years to our life each time we go. We have come to that conclusion...because we always, always lose 10 pounds at least....we never have red wine or any alcohol for that matter when we are there...and no coffee...no sugar...why can't it be that easy here in the USA?????
Its ok...I wouldn't be running 35 miles a week in India...I NEED that coffee and sugar..and the occasional glass of red wine :0) at least that's ALL we do! Back in the day though......oh boy! Crazy stuff went on back in the day...but I am older now, and of course SOOO much more mature..right??!! I am aren't I??!! Nooo.....what fun would that be?? Boring!!!
Life is a Journey though and we are on that train..just waiting...and loving it all~

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