
Thursday, May 1, 2008

yoga really is magic!

i just read "C.K's" blog entry....Blew my Mind! So many people just give up, but see what can happen if you stick with it? Just really an inspiration.....http://mysore.blogspot.com/ in case some of my readers would like to see it as well...

as for this girl, well, i have been running like a mad woman..that is what happens when i have lots of stress in my life, but realizing that i need to pour in more of that blessed yoga practice. my legs are so strong and my upper body is as well...weights too...but i do need that thing called "balance".

life sometimes throws you a curve ball, and if your strong and you have someone that supports you and truly loves you with all of his heart...you CAN make it through. I will too!

always do........

but sometimes you just sit and close your eyes and maybe for a brief moment you pretend you are back in India...where life is slower and things are simple and there really isn't a worry in the world...that is what i long for at this very moment in time!

it will come again....


Om Shanti


A bird in the hand said...

I hope you're well; I don't like the sound of all that stress. Take good care of yourself...I know you do. You can get through anything, you know that. Seek balance and never give up!
Love you. xoxo

Tracy said...

it has been a rough time..that is for sure! But I rode those waves..and have come out the other side~ I love you for thinking about me~ Balance....it is SO important~
Love you~xxxooo