
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

being Blessed

so...I went with the current, and I rode those waves....and we have come out the other side now and the Sun is shining upon us and life is as it should be....or Life is how I love it to be rather!
All is well....
I am going to be a working girl again. Well, let me rephrase that..I have always been a working girl...at home lately and at my office, for Joy~ But I am stepping back out into the working world soon. I am going to be working at the new Health Food Co-Op down the street from my house.
I want to start helping more with our savings and our BIG plan that will happen in 7 years from now....my husband will be retiring from UPS at the ripe old age of 48 years old! We are going to put our belongings into storage and head off to India for about 6 months...and if we like it, (we already love it) we will extend our stay longer...with intermittent flights to Sri Lanka and the US to see family~
It's something we have been pondering for years...and we have decided to give it a whirl~
We have friends and contacts over there now...and we have places to stay....and it fills our hearts with Peace and Joy and Contentment when we are there...so what better place to go for 6 months or more?!
It's exciting to have a plan and see it set in motion..which is what we are doing~
seven years should fly by...it already seems like such a short amount of time. I mean, my youngest son is 17 already!! Time does fly!
But there is no hurry...enjoy each day as it comes and try to find a blessing in all that is given~
OM Shanti


peaceloveyoga said...

Awesome! That's inspiring to hear regarding your plans to reside in India. I too hope to make it back sometime in the near future. Its so true...India just gets under your skin and you are forever changed...best of luck!

Tracy said...

have a great visit in portland~~and with that sweet pea niece of yours!!