
Thursday, April 17, 2008

no such thing...

There have been some pretty amazing things happening in my life these days....

people showing up who have messages for me that I just seem to need to hear at that specific time...even in passing conversations...words will come out that have extraordinary meaning to me at this time in my life. I know it isn't a coincidence as I have come to learn, that there is no such thing as coincidence. There just isn't. It's already in the cards...

I am meeting some pretty amazing people as well...sometimes when you are young you "wish" for things...and you have no idea that if you just wait 40 years (in my case) your "wishes" do come true. Like they say, "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it". Well...I have no regrets for what I wished for...and I am feeling quite blessed these days for they are all coming to fruition. Right before my very eyes!

If you take a step back and watch with innocent eyes...you just might be surprised at what will appear~

I know I have said it before..but I must say it again...

It Is such a Magical Life!

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