
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lunch at Sandhya's House!

I still can't believe it was my first time going there.
In all of my trips to India, and I had Never had lunch at Sandhyas house...?
I know, it makes No sense whatsoever.

But yesterday was The Day!!
A few of my new friends here visiting made all the arrangements and at 1:30 our driver picked us up and drove us through the streets and lanes to Sandhyas home.

We arrived right on time and it was such a warm and quaint abode.
Then I saw her...

and her smile was as Bright and Warm as the day was!
I couldn't keep my hands off of her, she is just So Huggable!!
What a great Spirit this woman has. So Wonderful.

We all sat down at a long table set especially for us. There were 7 of us.
Then the food started coming...
and it seemed like it would never end.
I would see an empty dish, only to look away and then look back and it had been replaced with a full one!
We all ate until we thought we would POP!

I asked Sandhya what time she began the cooking for us. She told me that the chopping takes about 2 hours and then they begin to cook. They started at 9:30 am...we arrived at 1:30 pm. She has two woman that help her cook. A mother and her daughter. There was one other daughter, but she is off at school now. (she is the one who modeled for the front of her cookbook)
The girls learned and began to help at the ages of 5 and 8 years old. So they are Quite the cooks now!!
above is the one daughter and below is her Mother. (they look like they could be sisters)

 The daughter above lives with Sandhya along with Sandhyas beloved cats!

and she has many~
They roam around as you eat and are quite well mannered at that!

Here are some pics of everyone enjoying her Delicious food which is cooked and prepared from her old family recipes and are Ayurvedically balanced. We had some great conversation and some really good laughs (as we always do!)

and shots of Sandhyas home...

then it was MY TIME...meaning...Chai Time!!!

I LOVE my Chai!!!

Sandhya has written a cookbook for those of you who didn't know...and it is available on Amazon!

and she also has accommodations for Yoga students during high season. Who Wouldn't want to stay at her house...and eat her delicious food????

see...we ate it ALL!!!

 we took some photos and said our Good-Byes...

But promised to return again soon..
and we will!

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