
Saturday, October 10, 2009

FIFTY "Practice for the children Pendants" YES!!!

I am getting Really Excited about the outcome of the "Practice for the children Pendants" thus far!!!

You see...if you have a Thought, or a Hunch or an Idea...Go With It!!! Because this is how this charity for the children of Operation Shanti began...in fact it is how they all began...
I got an Idea..that just came to me literally, and I followed them All through~

People tell me that since they have seen what can be done when just "One person does One thing" it makes them believe that everyone can make a difference if they just try.
It Inspires them..and if I can Inspire just One person to help someone less fortunate than themselves...it has made All of this 100000% more worthwhile than I already feel about it!

I Am Excited and I just Know that we can keep on Going with this and Keep on Giving..because maybe Just Maybe this could be the Biggest and Best one yet~~~~

We have $790.00 for those dear children in Mysore, India...and I just Know I can raise more! I just know it.....

Namaste my friends~ and a Huge Thank You to all who have helped make this such a success with your purchases~~ I am eternally Grateful to you all~


Anonymous said...

THAT is awesome!!!!

Tracy said...

Thanks Naomi! I can ship to India you know.... ;0) xo