
Saturday, July 19, 2008

we do go on

there is one thing I know for sure...
when YOU get older, your parents get older, and things start to change, and YOU become the one who does the care-giving, so to speak. I was not prepared for life to change as it has so suddenly....to lose a parent is hard enough, no warning, one day it just IS. Things change, life is Impermanent..Things are impermanent...but life does continue to go on. We adjust and move forward, as you can't go back...even if you wanted to, you can't go back. You may cry yourself to sleep, holding your pillow with all your might as the tears run down your face..but it "Is What It Is" it makes us stronger, more resilient somehow. We do come out the other side, as hard as it might be at the time we are experiencing it...we do survive. We have to, there is no other way. We have children, they look to us and learn From us...we must stay strong, and we do.
But it doesn't make it any easier. But we do go on.........
OM Shanti


Yogamum said...

Much love to you. You're right, we do go on and it's all part of the natural cycle of things. But it doesn't mean we don't cry ourselves to sleep... Hugs!

Tracy said...

Hugs right back to you sweet, dear friend!

Wayne said...

Tracy, so sorry for your loss... makes us appreciate the "now" even more. Thinking of you.

A bird in the hand said...

Yes, we do. We have to, or life makes no sense. Much love to you, my soul friend. xoxo