
Friday, July 25, 2008

pure magic

it was a beautiful day in marin county and I was walking one of my clients dogs. Cassidy, an older female golden..and she lived in a big house on top of a hill in mill valley...we were walking along the ridge top of her street and suddenly I spotted something off to the side of the road..it was very small and looked like a tiny bird. So I held Cassidy back on her leash and walked closer...it was a bird, a hummingbird to be exact...I was awestruck, and I could tell that something was not quite right with the little beauty...but I ever so gently reached down and slowly...talking to her the whole time..picked her up and put her into the palm of my hand. I walked up the street some more with her in my hand, palm wide open..not quite believing what exactly it was I was seeing...a real live hummingbird in the palm of my hand! Cassidy walking ever so gingerly at my side..we came to a forest of trees at the end of her street and we stepped into the forest and placed the hummingbird onto a branch..she sat there for for a short time, and then suddenly...she flew away. She was gone.
But that memory will live with me forever....
a hummingbird..in the palm of my hand!


Unknown said...

someone visiting you from afar. too profound to ignore. i saw a lot of hummingbirds when i recently went to the appalacians. i thought they were bugs. such magical birds!

Yogamum said...

How amazing! What a beautiful moment!

Tracy said...

they are such beautiful little creatures..the color of their feathers is so rich and velvety...a moment i will never forget!

Heather said...

oh my gosh! this is so weird you are talking about this...how magical!! i just had my first up close hummingbird experience. it circled above my head, very close and then flew to the middle of this circle me, nick and and 2 of our friends were sitting it then it flew straight to the OM symbol hanging in their garden. i looked up hummingbird symbolism...."communication with the Divine"...communication with the Divine IN YOUR HAND...get it!?! love you friend!

Tracy said...

OMG heather!! that is totally a trip! but..of course..as we both VERY well know...Nothing surprises us anymore!! it's Such a Magical world! love you too friend! xxoo

A bird in the hand said...

Hmmm, I think you healed whatever was wrong with the hummingbird...

Tracy said...

i never thought about it that way colette....but you could very well be right ;0) ! xxoo