
Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Collage for the children 84 pendants sold and $1315.00..so far!

I decided to have a nice collage made for the children of Operation Shanti with photos of everyone who bought a "Practice for the children Pendant"!
I have received a handful..but we have sold 85 pendants!! So I need MORE photos~~~

I thought it would be fun for them to see who helped support them and also to see you all with the pendants on!
My dear friend Lisa hooked me up with a gracious man who is a retired editor for the Chicago Tribune and he is creating this beautiful piece of art work for me~
What you see above is just a little something I created on "Big Huge Labs" to give you an idea of what is being created~

So, when you have a moment..snap a photo of your beautiful self, adorned with your "Practice for the children Pendant" on and send it to me in an email and I will forward it to Jim!

We have now raised an Amazing $1330.00 for the children of Operation Shanti...
if that doesn't make you feel good...
well, I don't know what else could! I Thank You All~~ and I have another 10 being made..so there are Plenty more on the way!!!



Tiffany said...

I'm loving your collection of pics. You're doing an amazing thing Tracy! XO

Tracy said...

I am Loving all of the Support from everyone~~especially YOU! xxoo