so you know what that means!!
We are at Ninety Three pendants now sold for the children of Operation Shanti and $1450.00!!
I have more pendants on the way!!!!
I have Plenty for the holidays~~~all I need is your order, OH..and a photo of you wearing it! ;~)
Thank You all so Very much for your gracious support thus far..but we have a Long way to go!!! Everyone needs one of these very special pendants, and after you have yours you will understand why.
There are many blessings associated with these..not only for the children, but in memory of Guruji...
I had this email from Kevin in the UK this morning and it touched me so deeply that I had to repost a portion of it...
Hi Tracy,
I think what you have been doing is wonderful and such a great cause, raising money for it in this way is also bringing the yoga community together from all corners of the world. For those of us who still aspire to get to Mysore, its an inspiration to keep the hope alive that one day we will get to practice there and see first hand how your work is helping to change the lives of children.
Hopefully one day we will all meet in Mysore and recognise each other through our Pendants.
I was just so pleased that Tiff mentioned it and that I was able to make my tiny contribution to such a worthwhile cause.
THANK YOU for doing it
"Do your Practice and All is Coming"