
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

delhi..when oh when...

I can't understand..it happened 5 years ago when we landed here. Then of course, as India never dissapoints...some things just never change do they? But I sure do wish they would! Just some...

But first, a word of advise for those of you who use and book flights through "Make My Trip"...DON'T! As they Royally ~~~scewed~~~ us yesterday. Yeah. It wasn't fun. But it taught us a few lessons as these things tend to do. Lessons. Even when you aren't in the mood to learn them. There they are.
They were suppossed to deliver us "paper" tickets for our flight out of Chennai to Delhi. Did they? No.
So, when we approached the check in kiosk and handed them our email confirmation, they looked at us like we were from another planet.

Long story short. We had to pay for the flight Again.
But we made it to Delhi after circling in the air for 30 mins. At 1am.
It happened 5 years ago...
and again last night.
Seems as though it wasn't because of fog though.
The runway was just too congested...so we were #16 in the line-up order to land.
Thank God I have no fear of flying.
But this pilot practically gave all of us whiplash when he put the plane down. He actually slammed on his brakes SO hard we all made some sort of noise when it happened.
I contained myself and just said "Geezus"

One thing I will never get used to here in India is when a foreigner walks by me in the airport (while I am typing this actually) and has "booty shorts" on and her cheeks are hanging out....OMG! Girl, what ARE you thinking????????
No wonder the Indian guys think those thought when they see us white girls. BUT, I would NEVER wear those...out in public that is!!

So, we are waiting for our Kingfisher flight to Dharamsala. It leaves in about 45 and then we will be in the clear mountain air at our most favorite hotel in India. The Chonner House.
We always stay in the room right next door to Richard Geres room. But I don't expect him to be there this year. He was 2 years ago though. He took the whole hotel though that year as he brought a few friends with him. So the day he checked in, we checked out.
It might be interesting to sit and have a Chai with the guy though!

Om Mani Padme Hum~ (photos to come..sorry though, none of the girl who walked by ;0)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm... i think i've been through the same. but it's india and i always expect things to be screwed up, i'm always surprised when they aren't! happy travels!