We were invited up to a very auspicious Puja on the night of the full moon..last night to be exact.
I had always wanted to meet Swamiji...but I had NO idea how special this night would turn out to be...
We were picked up at 6pm and we drove towards Chamundi Hill and stopped in a nearby village to buy flowers for Swami...2 bags of beautiful flowers for 70 rupees only..
and then we arrived at the foot of the cave, Swamijis Cave, where he has lived for 14 years now.
I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, as I was so excited for this moment. I had seen so many photos and heard so many wonderful stories about Swami..who knew a man in a cave could be so well known all over the world AND have so many visitors...
We left our shoes at the bottom of the stairs leading up to his cave and as we approached the little tiny door into the cave, there he was, with a glowing smile on his face and wonderful music emanating from inside. At first I wondered if I could get in the door..it was Small!! But we all made it inside and you literally have to hunch over so as not to smack your head on the roof of the cave. It IS a Cave people!!
We gave our Namastes and said Hello and we sat down. He was so happy to meet us, and visa versa. All of a sudden people started stopping by..some stayed for a few minutes, others bowed to him and paid their respects, taking their prasad and then leaving. They were all Indian men, women and children and were Very surprised to see two white Americans sitting there in the cave when they arrived!
Swami speaks very good English and he told us how he had lived in the Himalayas for 20 years wondering around and then he came to Mysore to live in the cave. He is a very humorous man, suttle that is, but wise...so wise and his eyes...they pierce right to the depth of your being. He told us that the world is small...smaller than your thoughts...and suddenly after the words left his mouth..and man we know from town walked in...yes, small world indeed.
Then he was telling us that many business men and women come to see him daily..that they travel 20 even 40 kilometers to visit him..and with that said, a very well dressed man and his wife entered the cave and sat down before him and told us that they were from Bangalore and that he is a Pharmacist...Swami asked if we had ever heard of Mill Valley and I thought Rays jaw would hit the floor..as that is where he used to deliver his UPS packages, that was his route in Marin..he told us of a man named Ronnie who lived there, that his father had an exotic car showroom there..and we knew of it. He told us that Ronnie had stayed with him there at the cave for 3 months...he had initially come to practice Yoga with Guruji, but upon meeting Swami he left the practice in Gokulam and practiced up at the cave and studied with Swami for 3 months sleeping in the cave bedroom and living with Swami. What an experience!
He has much to teach..if people want to listen..so true. I felt like I could have stayed there for hours..the energy in his cave was so peaceful and relaxing.
Soon the Puja began and we were invited onto the veranda that overlooks Mysore..breathtaking views and the night was alive with stars and lights from the town below us. It was magical....
The Puja lasted about 2 hours and the priest who performed it never missed a beat. It was amazing..with all of the chanting and the rituals of coconuts being broken, bananas being cut, flowers being thrown and the sweet incense being lit...the oil lamps burning...it was very special.
I had no idea there was a HUGE meal being prepared in the back and that we were going to have a feast afterwards.
So, when the puja was done..all of the people who had attended..about 200 total, headed out to another area down a few steps and sat down to eat..it was packed with people!!
So we milled around because there was nowhere left to sit...when an Indian man appeared and told us that Swamiji has invited us to come up to eat! We went back up the stairs and a beautiful rug had been laid down for us to sit on and banana leaves were brought out and placed before us..and our friend Mane served us! This is my first attempt at eating with my hands in India..I know, I know, I have been here 5 times and this is the First time I was expected to eat with my hands...I had to remind myself to keep my left hand on my lap..but we feasted on the best rice I have had yet in India and some cabbage that was seasoned so deliciously, some greens that were so delicately stuffed and some delightful dessert~ It was heaven!
It was getting late, going on 10:30 so Swamiji asked us if we enjoyed our food and we graciously thanked him...he then led us back to the cave where we sat for a bit more and I asked if it would be OK to have a photo with him and he said that of course we could.
He asked us when we were leaving and if we could come back..but we told him that we were only here for 2 more days...and that next time we come back, one of our first stops will be his cave to see him again~
You just never know what awaits you here in magical India..and this is one night I shall never forget!
Jai Hanuman!