
Monday, June 22, 2009

On Life and Yoga

I read this somewhere awhile ago..I can't remember where...but it hit me right smack dab in the center of my Being..and I printed it up..and I stored it away in a special place..and would like to share it with you again...

I think that we ponder over the meaning of life because it makes us feel more comfortable to know that there is in fact a meaning to it all. What if there isn't? What if it's just about WHO you are? It's not what you do or anything around you, or anyone else, just You.

I suppose that it's a tall order to realize that you're the whole reason..that You're It.

And I don't think that you necessarily have to do anything about it either, it's just enough just to perceive it.

So what are all of these things that we create and invest ourselves in, all of the NOISE of jobs, family, friends, daily life..? For some it's overwhelming, for some of us none of it makes any sense and it becomes scary. So what are you supposed to do..how do you survive life?

You don't.

So focus on You and focus on being You..because at the end of the day that's where it's at. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything, apart from just being You..and you're perfect as you are! Really!! You don't have to smile, you don't have to say anything...Just be there. Everything will soon stop spinning.

Practice is exactly like life...there is no performance. You try and find the breath and try to find yourself, and when you do it all makes perfect sense and it's Still and it's Quiet.

The sweat, the drama, the effort...it's all just STUFF you have to go through to find it sometimes, it's not what it's about.

The trying for the next thing is like working for the Bigger Better Car...

It's all right there in front of you, and you don't even need to go anywhere or do anything with it if you don't want to.

So just focus on You and accept it all as it is..because it's exactly as it should be...exactly right.


peaceloveyoga said...

Beautiful commentary. Also, I love the new blog layout. VERY nice!!! xoxox.

Tracy said...

thank you friend~ xxxx

Ahu said...

very nice, just what i needed at the moment.

Tiffany said...

Yes yes, I love it all. XO Thank you for sharing with such an open heart!

The Yogini Genie said...

Such a lovely sentiment. Its hard sometimes to feel that we are enough but its a simple true, which are always the hardest to practice.

Unknown said...

I loved it! Life is really simple its the mind that complicates things. "focus on you" is beautiful - very much the same as "Be the change you wish to see in the world".

Tracy said...

yes...."Be the Change you wish to see in the World"....
my most favorite quote in the Universe...
then there is "Eat dessert first, Life is short"!
;^) xxxooo

Flo said...

This will always be a great reminder.
Love & Light

Anonymous said...

Loved reading this and needed to read it today. Thanks for sharing ...