
Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Giving....

and so...

the second weekend in June...brought even more gifts...gifts for the children of a shelter an hour away from Karunya Mane..

4 BIG Bags full in fact..as those kids have No toys...

Asha, a girl at Karunya Mane who touched my husband and my soul when we met her earlier this year..she is quite the artist and student..gave 50 rupees she had in her pocket to help buy snacks for them..
Asha, Lokesh and Amita came along to help pass out the gifts to the children...
what an Amazing thing...
when the poorest of the poor..give to other poor children...A lesson..Perhaps for ALL of us to take in and maybe one day put into practice ourselves? I can tell you firsthand because I have been there with those kids...and honestly, from the bottom of my heart..there is Nothing in my life that I have ever done or experienced that even comes close to what it was like to go and give shoes and art supplies to those kids at Karunya Mane..
You see, when you go and witness their innocence and Love and Open Hearts and see how much they truly, Truly appreciate even the smallest of things..it changes Who You Are Forever More...
we sometimes think we have so little in our lives, when in fact, if we take a moment to just look around our homes and at our lives..we do in fact have More than we actually need. Myself included.
And if you have never had the chance to give something to someone who has very little in their lives, I don't think I even have to tell you the feeling it gives you and the happiness that resides in your heart for a long time afterwards....
(Please click back two times to read the begining of this story...to "older posts"if you arrive from Ashtangi.net)


A bird in the hand said...

It is often the poorest of the poor who share what little they have. I've often thought about that. I think it's because it's a different mindset. I see too many people saying: Why should I (or my taxes) pay for someone else. And that's the mindset that has to be changed. If we don't help each other, and especially those whose need is greater than ours, we are doomed. Love you much.

Flo said...

This story warms my heart. I am honored to know so many amazing and inspiring people! With huge hearts.

Tracy said...

yes colette...a very BIG YES!
love you much as well~
and Flo...I am so happy it touched your heart..it means the world to me bringing awareness to these kids who I adore with all of my being!

Ahu said...

This is a beautiful story. It is really a good example for everyone...

Tracy said...

Thanks Maya...it is indeed~ xo

Wayne said...

aww -how sweet! Thanks for posting some light!

Unknown said...

This lovely post reminds me of a short tale:

The Lord makes a visit to hell and he see's this amazing banquet table that goes on forever piled high with a beautiful bounty of food and a host of people sat around it trying to eat! But they can't get the food into their mouths because their amrs are strapped to 2x4's... They starve.

The Lord then makes a visit to Heaven and he see's this amazing banquet table that goes on forever piled high witha bounty of beautiful food and a host of people sat the table with their arms strapped to 2x4's... BUT something very different is going on... Everyone is helping feed each other;-))

The choice is ours! We can choose to help each other and never go hungry or only think of ourselves and starve... Om Shanti

Tracy said...

that is the Best story i have ever heard..the Best!
Thank You for that eye opening saga. It was perfect~
Shanti friend~ xo

Angela said...

Wow Tracy! Such a good story to share, thanks.

Tracy said...

thanks for reading! xo