
Thursday, August 28, 2008

what is

lately I have been contemplating where I am right now in my life.
things have changed so much for me since we moved from Marin to Grass Valley...I miss so many things about my previous life in Marin. To be perfectly frank, I don't like living here at all...but I am trying REALLY hard to accept "what is". I can't even put a finger on why I am so unhappy here, I just am. I know that everything happens for a reason, and that things turn out the way they do because that is the way it is supposed to be...but it doesn't make it any easier somehow.
I also know that this isn't forever, so I cling to that thought a lot!!
Yoga has been great this week, as well as the couple of runs I have thrown in for that ever needed Cardio and those legs~~~that is what keeps me Sane!!!!!
OM Shanti~


Ursula said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear this.
When I will be back I will look up in a map where the two places are.

Hope you can move soon again.

I greet you from a place you like.


Tracy said...

thank you ursula~you make me smile this morning!