
Sunday, August 24, 2008

nobody lives forever

yesterday while outside talking with my neighbor..she said something to me that made me wonder.
We were talking about the wonderful man who lives across the street, he is perhaps at most 65 years old (if that) and he is always so positive and happy-go-lucky. He just sold his Mercedes Benz and bought a brand new Vespa and he takes his little dog (who looks like Toto from the Wizard of Oz) on his Vespa to the store and for drives around town. His little dog loves to go and he even wears little "doggie goggles" to protect his eyes...too cute!
I had not seen them for a week or so and was concerned, so I asked my next door neighbor is she had seen him..then she told me that she had just found out that he is dying..he has liver cancer..and that Hospice will be coming on Monday...he will go anytime.
just like that
Then she said that "thing" that made me wonder....
"You know" she said. "I have been working all of my life, never really going and doing, just working..and you know, I was thinking that maybe I'm just going to "check out" for awhile and Go and Do"
I told her right off that that is how I live my life...I have never waited and thought "maybe I shouldn't do or go here or there" I have just Made it Happen. I told her that is why I go each year to India..because I don't want to wake up one day and realize that I didn't live my life how I wanted to live it. That I just held onto all of that money and saved for a rainy day...That Rainy day is NOW. Of course we have a savings..of course we have that "fund" for "Just in case"....but we go and we do and we live. Because one day it just might be your turn, and to live a life unfulfilled would to me be a tragedy in itself. I just wonder how many people live their lives in that way..I mean, like how Bindi said once in her blog..."Live outside the Box" there IS so much to see in this big world of ours...nobody lives forever. Just Go and Do if you possibly can...


A bird in the hand said...

Thank you for sharing this story. I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor, but at the same time, good for him that he got his Vespa and had his doglet...

My favorite "response" these days is: If not now, when?


Yogamum said...

Amen! Go and DO! That should be my new mantra.

Aashiq e Badal said...

It is indeed a heart touching, Let his soul rest in peace.

There are many things in life that we think to do but dont actually make it. Now perhaps its time...

"Nobody lives for ever"

No Body Lives for ever

whats the body .......
just an apparel that the soul wears

and as some day the dress has to go the body goes....

but the souls remains

peaceloveyoga said...

You're preaching to the choir, girl!! AMEN. Still learning to let go and grow into this way of living. Thank God I have you for inspiration. Love ya!!!

Unknown said...

wow, you are still blogging. i have not checked for awhile cause i thought it was over.
great stuff you are doing-as always-inspirational!