
Friday, September 25, 2009

UPDATE on "Practice for the Children Pendant"

I am just SO excited over the outpouring of support for the "Practice for the children Pendant" that I wanted to tell you all Thank You and give you an update~

Our beloved Guruji is still with us and he has obviously given us his blessing..as everyday I am getting orders and the total is now up to SIXTEEN Pendants! That brings us to a new total of $255.00 for the children of Operation Shanti!! I had one gracious woman donate $15.00 AND another $34.00 as she decided she wanted one of the beautiful pendants after all~~~

I am getting orders from all over the globe~with the last order placed for THREE Pendants from a donor in Kuala Lumpur!!

I am SO grateful to you All~~
I wanted to let you know that these are indeed suitable for the men in your life as well~ as they have a nice weight to them and are substantial in size~
They will come in a beautiful Organza bag, well packaged, along with a special Thank You card~

I Thank You from the very bottom of my heart for all of your support in all of my charity work with Operation Shanti..this is the Third one and it is proving to be quite special~

Please see the side bar link if you would like to order one for yourself or for a gift~ and you can also visit Operation Shantis blog while you are on that sidebar!!



Ahu said...

I want to order one when I get to Boulder next month! Beautiful work and very meaningful!

Tracy said...

Thank You Maya! By then I should have another 10 in stock and ready to go!! I really appreciate your support and your friendship~ xo

Flo said...

Tracy I really want one! I am trying to catch up. How much are the pendants. They are beautiful! And for a WONDERFUL cause.

Tracy said...

Flo! Hi my friend!!
They are 34.00 and that includes shipping~~~have another batch coming soon..so if you want one for sure, let me know and I can put one aside for you~~~thank you for your support~ I LOVE mine and wear it everyday! They are like little Blessings~~xx

Unknown said...

Aloha Tracy, I want to order one...how do I do that? Do you have Paypal set up?

This is a fantastic idea and one that will benefit so many. Thank you for your inspiration.


Tracy said...

Aloha Rupali!!
You can go to the side bar link and it is set up with papal and order one that way!! On the right of my blog~~Thank You!!!!!