
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Big Announcement...

Today I am heading to the Post Office...

as I have TWENTY-SEVEN "Practice for the children Pendants" to send off to Japan!!

Yes, Twenty-Seven~

I want to Thank Kaori for her order yesterday~
Thank You so, So much!

I know that there are so many that need help in this big world of ours...
I wish I could do more.
I can do what I can, and with all of you by my side supporting these children who are so near and dear to my heart..we All are doing so much.
I am deeply grateful and humbled.

We have now raised $2495.00 for the children of Operation Shanti.
I have others still asking about pendants...
and I have more available.
Thus far we have sold 143 pendants.
Since September....

I am going to keep having these made and available throughout the end of February.

This has been such a Blessing...a tribute to our Guruji..and a blessing for the children who live in Mysore, India where our beloved Guruji lived..and so many of us traveled there to practice our Yoga...at his shala.

If you would like one, you can order one on the right sidebar of my blog where it says "Pendant". The cost is $34.00 and that includes shipping anywhere in the world~

It just makes me so happy to know that these are literally "All Over The World" right now!



peaceloveyoga said...

Wow. This is incredible. It's simply beautiful how your project for the children has unfolded.


Tracy said...

I am simply amazed each day by the outpouring of support from all over the world~ including a certain special someone in Sweden!! ;0)