
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just a trip to the grocery store...and look what I find...or rather What Found Me

I just went to Safeway to get some things for dinner this evening..and some milk for Chai...

as my husband and I approached the checkout stand..my eyes went across the aisle to the magazines...

I saw a Yoga magazine and thought to myself, the last thing I need is another Yoga magazine. But Something told me to go over and pick this magazine up.....

and as I have learned in my life..to Listen to that voice, I did just that.

I walked over and I picked it up..and I opened it up...and I almost fell over. I ALMOST FELL OVER...because...because there on that page was a photo of Swamiji and the children of Karunya Mane in India!!!!! Yes!! I could not believe my eyes and I almost began to cry..right there in the aisle of Safeway with that magazine in my hands.

I just left India..and Swamiji and those children..and there they were, right there in my hands in the store near my home.

These things happen to me. They happen all of the time. I have no idea why I was so surprised. It was just like the place that I love and those beautiful children and the peace-filled Guru whom I had sat in that very same cave in the photo with...was letting me know that they are all still with me. Even though I am across the world now, and so far away from that place that I love and hold so near and dear to my heart...was right here with me still.....

My Magical Life...yes, I will be back India and Swamiji and all the children of Karunya Mane..I will be back.


peaceloveyoga said...

That's pretty special Tracy. Awesome.

Wayne said...

This is so beautiful! I'm with you - the universe is speaking at all times...

Unknown said...

most excellent!

Caroline Novak said...

The universe works in mysterious ways, doesn't it, especially when we're open to the signs!!

I like that magazine too, far more than YJ.

Flo said...

That is amazing!
I picked this up as well and really enjoyed the article.
I know you miss India but happy to have you back!

Tracy said...

thanks flo...i am happy to be home...for awhile at least ;0) xo

Arturo said...

hi Tracy
that is a magical and beautiful story. i'm sure it's not by chance.