
Thursday, January 27, 2011

you are so missed...

I couldn't write about you right away...
I wanted to, but every time I tried, my eyes would fill with tears and I couldn't see the words. Like right now...
I think about you everyday and every night...sometimes I think I can feel you close to me..especially when I am in my yoga room..
I worry about you being buried in the ground, but we wrapped you in your warm blanket and we wanted you to be nearby forever.
I love talking to you when I'm outside where you now lay, under the ground, under the Buddha statue..and that rose is still in full bloom. Beautiful, just like you were and you are...
Miss you my Prince~~


A bird in the hand said...

My dear friend, I am so very sorry. I understand how you're feeling. Big hugs to you. xoxo

Tracy said...

Love You~ You have always been there for me~ xoxoxo

Kali Om said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your pet.
How long did you have him?

It helped me a lot to write an obituary about my beloved cat, Fritzka.

Tracy said...

thanks c.k.
he was almost 11.
he had two strokes months before he passed away~ but he passed naturally here at home next to my husband while we were watching a bollywood movie~
he just took a deep breath, lifted up his little head and then laid it back down and he was gone~
we were all together, doing what we loved and he was at peace. x

Tracy said...

and..i remember reading your obituary awhile back about your beautiful Fritzka..i loved it so much, and maybe after a few more months i will be able to read it again. once this pain goes away~ xo

Kristi said...

Aw, I'm so sorry. I lost a beloved dog recently too. So hard. Hugs.

denise said...

What a lovely dog! He is the heaven looking at you.

Tracy said...

thank you kristi~ i knew you had lost your dog awhile back. It is hard...time heals~ xo

Tracy said...

denise~~he sure is! xxx

bigBANG studio said...

aw, sweet tracy, i'm so sorry. there is no love purer than the love for a dog, and when they pass from our world into the next it's just heartbreaking. i hope that you're able to heal with time, and know i'm sending you happy, loving karma from india. xoxo

Tracy said...

thank you dearest lily~~
i know you are still healing from your loss of beautiful sweet Lemon~~time does in fact do that.
But missing them lasts forever.
Love your happy, loving karma from India xxoo