
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ray and I always, ALWAYS, reminisce about previous trips to our beloved India and... as always it is on our minds, and always in our hearts. It's pretty amazing how people react when I tell them about my trips to India. Rarely do I get "WOW, I would Love to go to India", "You've been there 5 times"???!!!
Sadly, a lot of the time I get..."India...oh, I could never go there, it would be too hard for me"...

HARD FOR YOU???? (there's my reaction)

And that is when I realize that we, as Americans, can be so Completely and Utterly Blind to the fact that, Yes, we ARE spoiled...and then I think...Wow...what GOOD it would do for You to go to India and experience all the Good that is there..all of the Spirituality, all of the Happiness that we see each and Every time we go.

Yes, it can be hard..but it's an Important "hard".

If only everyone could open up their hearts And their minds to the beauty that Lives in a country that I so deeply love and long to return to...

Lessons can be Hard...but I have learned, in my short life here on this Earth, that those are the Very Best Lessons to be learned.

and so...onto the title "Queens"...

if you ever get to Bangalore,India..."Queens" is a "MUST" to eat at...if you need the address..just shoot me a comment~

and yes..last but not least...



Ursula said...

Yeah Tracy, we Indian lovers are a special group of people. Me too, I know people who never like to travel to India. But we Indian lovers appreciate the luxury of the Western world, but we can live with out it, too. Even though the best buffets I had in India and Dubai (not in Germany, nor in the US). But we have a daily shower. One must look with the own eyes....
India is a great ressource for me. Life functions totally differently. Live can be lived without all this organization. The friendliness towards foreigners. My life would have been so much poorer if I hadn't been in India. Amen.
xoxoxo Ursula
PS: hahahaha I had to shoot you a comment......:)

A bird in the hand said...

I experienced the same thing in Tunisia, where I spent a month. Yes, there were some very hard and harsh moments for me, but I didn't look away. It was very humbling. I still think of that month with love. I would go back in a flash.

People are afraid to feel pain. And if you're afraid to feel, then you're not really living.

Love, C.

Anonymous said...

you are so right that it is HARD, GOOD and IMPORTANT !!!

Tracy said...

You took more words right out of my mouth U! Ditto..on Everything you said...ditto and xoxoxoxox

Tracy said...

I hear that so often from those who do travel to third world countries...that they would return in a heartbeat.
There's "something" there we all long to touch once more....
love you my friend~ xxx

Tracy said...

and last be Surely not least...Naomi...from the mouth of a woman who LIVES in Delhi with her 3 children and her husband. She see's it All and experiences it ALL on a daily basis...
You are doing suh a Great job my friend! xx

Angela said...

A lot of people I've talked to aren't interested in hearing about my travels and some can't even relate TO talk about them. I think it's because they don't travel much because my travels friends are sooo interested. I am such a better person since living in India. I guess that's all that matters in the long run. Yes, American's are so spoiled and they don't know it!!Maybe that's what frustrates me the most! XO Angela

Tracy said...

me too Angela...most Americans are so into themselves and their possesions that they can't even IMAGINE India..not do they care to...Frustrates me to NO end!!!!
I love hearing how you have grown and learned so much from living there..makes my heart so happy!xxxx

Bettina said...

Hi Tracy,

I could have some use of a good place to eat in Bangalore. Happens that I'm going to fly there next week. I'm going to stay only one week, but it's a kind of preparation for a longer stay. Currently I'm planning to live there for about 6 months. So, any addresses of restaurants, shops, cafes ... are very welcome :-)

Tracy said...

I must say..I rarely get envious of people..Very rarely, but you have sort of gotten me on this one!
Contact me via email
alotusgirl at comcast dot net

Namaste and I am so excited about your upcoming time in India and hearing more about it! xx