Sadly, a lot of the time I get..."India...oh, I could never go there, it would be too hard for me"...
HARD FOR YOU???? (there's my reaction)
And that is when I realize that we, as Americans, can be so Completely and Utterly Blind to the fact that, Yes, we ARE spoiled...and then I think...Wow...what GOOD it would do for You to go to India and experience all the Good that is there..all of the Spirituality, all of the Happiness that we see each and Every time we go.
Yes, it can be hard..but it's an Important "hard".
If only everyone could open up their hearts And their minds to the beauty that Lives in a country that I so deeply love and long to return to...
Lessons can be Hard...but I have learned, in my short life here on this Earth, that those are the Very Best Lessons to be learned.
and so...onto the title "Queens"...
if you ever get to Bangalore,India..."Queens" is a "MUST" to eat at...if you need the address..just shoot me a comment~
and yes..last but not least...