
Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Lifeline

"set a deadline and act. so many people "wish" they could quit their job and dream about it forever...it is scary, I know it is, but simply daydreaming about it will only keep you stuck in the J O B. A deadline is a great way to keep yourself committed."

I read these words this morning on a blog that I frequent. The words seemed to jump out at me from the screen. Deep meaning...

It is time to set a deadline. But I wish to refer to our deadline as "new lifeline" I like that much better~

All of our "ducks" are lining themselves up quite nicely for us...

you see, when you Really want something, I mean Reeeeeeaaaaallllyyyy want something so much with all of your heart and soul. Mountains can Move! (at least in my life they can!)

So with that said. We have one. Were very excited and were Very, Very much anticipating our New Life!

"Are you searching for the river of your soul? Then come out of your prison. Leave the stream and join the river that flows into the ocean"
